Yvette Wade

The Hadeans
The Hadeans by @Mookyvet (Yvette Wade)

^^; I really needed to do something, so I reworked one of my old drawings completely. Line-art was done by hand and the coloring was with Photoshop. x.x Good gawd, I need a tablet. Mah mouse is killin mah fingers. lol

Oh, as for the two characters, they really don't have much of a background other than Xanazuphet (the guy) having only one arm. Lanasaina is his sister, so there's nothing romance-y going on between them. They just look out for eachother and whatnot.

Finished Work
20y255d ago
Other Work By @Mookyvet

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 30 September, 2003 @ 07:30 PM

Wow that's amazing color work there - and the characters themselves are pretty cool. I like the wings, n glowing eyes

Posted: Tuesday, 30 September, 2003 @ 11:27 PM

Wow, I really like this pic. The wings are amazing and the fur looks good, it looks soft ^^ The background's really pretty too.

Posted: Wednesday, 01 October, 2003 @ 05:08 PM

Really love the fur, altough not sure about some parts of the grass, altough I bet that was a lot of hard work so I'm not pulling you about it too much ^^ Nice soft shading and colours, well done

Posted: Saturday, 03 January, 2004 @ 04:44 PM

O.O woah...insane right dere, dude... Absolutely love the fur and the shading... Very well done... shoked and awed ya, i don't get out much...

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