Karette Maple

Lookit! by @Zuka (Karette Maple)

Finally I've tried drawing something furry again! This is a werewolf, pointing at something. (off camera) My original idea was to put another character opposite him, but then I realized the pose wasn't quite right. Maybe I'll try that image again some other time. I probably won't ever color this... I'm sorry about the anatomy being messed up! On the bright side all the limbs are accounted for. :) Anyway I just had to upload something, since this will be my last for a week or two.

AC but not: I looked at tons of Goldenwolf's very cool art! (Goldenwolfen.com) Brings back memories from middle school when a couple friends and I joined wolfhome.

I'll have to try some more realism with animals. Drawing fur is more fun than straight lines!

19y338d ago
Other Work By @Zuka

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 03 August, 2004 @ 11:45 PM

Hmmmm... I definately like the hands and the feet. Very well done. You accurately captured the shape of most of the canine species. (I think it's the cheetah or the jaguar that is also considered a canine--no retractible claws^^) As for the anatomy... the arm is a bit long, but beyond that, everything seems proportionate--for a wolf dude. nods very well done.

The only thing I might gripe at is that the snout seems a bit small, along with the ears...but that might just be your preference there. nods Beautiful.

Posted: Friday, 13 August, 2004 @ 07:50 PM

Thanks so much for the nice comments!

Yep, it's the cheetah that has no retractable claws. (They were my favorite animal as a kid :D) It's because they use them to run, and can't climb trees like most cats.

I see your point about the ears being too small. I couldn't figure out what way to make them face. Canine ears usually point forward... I think. Can they move around the way feline ears do?

(I read the notice that said the IRC channel wasn't working. -.-I hope they can get the new servers! It would be awful if Side 7 shut down only a few months after we joined... but I better stop jinxing them. >_<)

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