Blizzard Wolf

Yay for the update. x_X
Yay for the update. x_X by @blizzardwolf (Blizzard Wolf)

Now I'll have to, like, like, get rid of like, 200 images. Is purposely talking stupid Well, when I finally decide to come back to Side7, I have to delete pretty much my entire friggin' gallery, oh joy. Ah welllll.. Goes to check out the 'premium' stuff Sorry if I get anyone mad about this comment. o_o Just... I don't want to delete all these images, is all. I like laughing at my old crap. XD

Oh, and this is Illusion. She was once a Mewtwo, then she became a Mewtwo//Espeon hybrid, and now she's been morphed. o_O Yaaaaaaaaay?

..Or not yay? I dunno. Enjoy! ^^"

NO ART THIEVES! e_e; I've had enough trouble with them recently.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Blizzard Wolf

Finished Work
21y29d ago
Other Work By @blizzardwolf

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 12 June, 2003 @ 10:35 AM

OMG!!! This is sooo kute!!! i luv the eyes!! they pour out kawaiiness!!!! feels warm and fuzzy inside i just feel like jumpin in2 the compooter and huggin it!!! but ill hold that in 4 now... ~~Josie-chan~~

Posted: Thursday, 12 June, 2003 @ 01:41 PM

Illy's kawaii ^^ -clings to her-

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