Crystal Hinkle

Jenny, Casie, Sheldon, and Robo-Dib star in... Mini Comic of Lovey DOOM
Jenny, Casie, Sheldon, and Robo-Dib star in... Mini Comic of Lovey DOOM by @Invader_Dibsocute (Crystal Hinkle)

Lemme tell you what's goin' on. Casie & Dib get trancfered to The high school where Jenny & Sheldon go to. And in order to get Dib to like-her-like-her, Casie kisses Sheldon. Everyone is shocked by Casie's actions. Even her. But Dib looks at Casie up close to see wut's in her eye. And when he sees it better, he finds that she is, for some reason, crying. Casie only kissed Sheldon to get Dib jelious and want to be her boyfriend. So this comic is kinda romantic & sad at the same time. Poor Casie. She doesn't know the one she loves feels the same way.

20y187d ago
Other Work By @Invader_Dibsocute

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 22 May, 2004 @ 06:49 PM

Decent animation, but I don't like the plot. It's sort of over-done, and boreing, if you ask me.

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