Vanessa Halls

Merry Christmas Haley!!
Merry Christmas Haley!! by @enn (Vanessa Halls)

MERRY CHRISTMAS HALEY!!! :DDDDD!!! I drew dis today. It's a late present, I know, but...I really didn't know what to get her, she really didn't tell me what she wanted. I did get her a couple petpet pb's, but that's not enough! I wanted to do more. She's one of my best friends, you know! She helps me out, and laughs and jokes with me and is the only one that ever comments on this image gallery. XD Okay. Now about the picture. I had a freakin' BALL with it. For one thing, Gavan's in a friggun BUNNY SUIT, which has NOTHING to do with Christmas, but is still quite cute. XD As for the purple bunny thing on his arm, it was originally looking just like Fillerbunny, hence the jerked up teeth, but then I decided to change it a little and make it purple. Then I decided it was his SIR unit, that Haley's character Zee gave him, in a disguise! He was originally gonna be a crow, but now he's a purple bunny! CHRISTMASBUNNIES! XD Eh. Mebbe he can be both.

Anyway, I'd better wrap this crap up. I'm sorry it's so late, but I hope you like it, girlie. :3 Merry Christmas, Haley!<3 Artwork © Copyright 2002 Vanessa Halls

Finished Work
21y188d ago
Other Work By @enn

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 04 January, 2003 @ 10:57 PM

SQUEEEEE!!!! THANK UO!!!! ^_______^ AWWWWW!!!! SO CUTE! huggleshmut I LURVE Gavan! ^_^ hee hee hee! Wheeeee!!!! dances

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