Vanessa Halls

Love Prevails Over All (sketch)
Love Prevails Over All (sketch) by @enn (Vanessa Halls)

BLEH! The only time I draw my Irkies anymore is when it's from an RP scene, it seems...bleh. Annnyway. This is from an RP scene with me and I bet you can't guess who else. Yup, :S. How did you know??? Anyway, that's Cel...And Zan...Jebus, you can't help but feel bad for Zan. All the others treat him like crap. Except Keir. Who treats him worse than crap. And deservedly so, considering. Anyway. Cel thinks he deserves a chance...I'm sure I already went over this in my last cel comforting Zan piccy, but...here's this. Oh yeah, and that's the song I listened to whilst rping that scene, System of a Down - Ego Brain. Ego Brain's the title of the song, but I thought that Love Prevails Over All was just a better title for the image. Yes? Yes. Oh, and you may not be able to read the words...because my handwriting looks like they dipped a baby chicken's feet in ink and let it loose on paper. The bottom half's not very dark, but it's all stuff that's been said earlier on the song, so....And that's because my pencil crapped out on me. Okay, that's all from me. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Vanessa Halls

Rough / Concept
21y143d ago
Other Work By @enn

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 11 February, 2003 @ 09:11 PM

Awwww! This pic. is sweet! Shes SO PRETTY! WONDERFUL job Krystil! ^_^

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 04:00 AM

Wow! It's sooo good! One day, I'll be able to draw as good as yoo :D

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