Nikki Star

Back in the Day... by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

Whee! My half of an art trade with Christine Z. Here is hers. She drew me my fan-invader and her SIR, Nir ^_^

Anyway, she asked for me to draw the Irkens as little kiddies like in pre-skool. She wanted to see them on the little carpet, at snack time, with BLOCKS! ^_^ So, I did my best to draw that.

Now, I know the perspective sucks, so please don't rag on that to me. :P

Little details in the picture are the little lazer and smoke machine key chains that Red and Purple have. ^^ If you can tell, they are fighting over the snacks, as it reads in Irken. On the carpet, in the Irken language, it repeats many times "Irk will rule all!" If you can also notice, the little blocks read "Tall" ^^

Now, if you can't tell which character is which, let me tell you, left to right: Red, Um..Some teacher or something (green eyes), and Purple Ok, now on the carpet: Skoodge and Zim and then more to the front: Tenn and Tak

So, yeah. I hope you like it! ^_^

Finished Work
21y324d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 12 August, 2002 @ 06:10 PM

Awwww!!! They're so cute! I must squeeze them! What's Zim holding?

Posted: Monday, 12 August, 2002 @ 07:39 PM

Some Purple Irken Cookie thing.....

Posted: Thursday, 15 August, 2002 @ 10:07 PM

AWW! Dissis so cute! n_n I love it!

Posted: Friday, 16 August, 2002 @ 03:31 AM


Watch Zim blow up the area or something just to dominate the cookie table. XD

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