Evloret Hyzenthlay

TA-DAAAA! by @evlohyze (Evloret Hyzenthlay)

Side7 can automatically resize pictures?! Thank god. See, I don't have my computer at the moment and this one I'm using dun have Photoshop. Anyway, this is a full color pic of Blutiger Engel whose real name is Elloyne Blackavar blah blah blah. No, I don't know what the hell she's doing in that pose. She's just.. posing. Oh well.

Take note of the background that actually came out fairly well as far as my background skills go (crappy). I'm rather pleased with the grassy foreground, the hills are okay, and the sky is okay. In my opinion.

...The person the picture is focused on? Yeah, she's okay. No, I have more to say. I know most of her clothing looks a tad greyish, but I assure you it's supposed to be black, but it's supposed to be different than her wings so you can see it. Note on the wings: the random purple splotches are the highlighted areas of her wings. Instead of being shiny greyish, they give off an iridescent purple thing. ..Yeah. Worded badly, but.. you know. Same thing with her hair with looks black, but it's really dark blue (with those two pieces of bleached hair on either side of her face).

Yeah, she's bleeding. I forget if I mentoned it under the concept stuff, but that there scythe point is formed from her blood. So what she does is scratch herself along that scar about her neck and there you go. For those of you who know what I'm talking about, it's like that guy in Angel Sanctuary who does the same thing with a sword only it was Rosiel's blood that got splashed on him. Yeah, I rip ideas from anything. Anyway anyway, the same thing she can do on either of her hands, only she shoots out from her hands the same kinda spiky chains she's wearing. Phr33k.

And look, there's cleavage. Watches everyone swarm around the picture Hootie hootie haw haw haaawww!

UPDATE 7-4-02: ...Oops, I seem to have forgotten her sob story. Okay. Well it goes like this. See, in her society, people are often linked together by a sort of bond that develops out of nowhere. Usually it's between a male and a female (could be between two of the same gender) and whether or not they decide to be mates or just best friends is up to them. The bond always links together two individuals (on rare occasions, 3, or even 4, since there were once two pairs of twins) who will get along well. Over time, the link gets stronger, enabling the bonded persons to feel each other's emotions, pain, and thoughts. Eventually, at its strongest point, they can see through each other's eyes, read each other's minds, and and telepathically talk to one another. In a sense, they become halves of one entity. To officially be bonded to someone else, they have to share blood. That's important, remember that. Okay, enough with the background info.

Well, Elloyne had this really close friend of hers. It was wierd because they weren't bonded and weren't meant to be bonded (or she'd be getting a magnetic clingy feeling when she was around him). So then along comes a huge battle between the Pyromancers (that's what Elloyne is, silly) and the alien demons known only as Spacedwellers (more on them later when I draw some). One of said Spacedwellers pounced on Elloyne and tried damn hard to decapitate her. It didn't do it quite right, and got its claws stuck Elloyne tried to get it off, but ended up tearing the hell out of her hands on the thing's spiky hide. Elloyne's unnamed friend snuck up behind the thing, grabbed it by its spines, and flung it about a mile across the battlefield... Before he rightly fell down dead. Elloyne freaks out and flings herself upon him to protect him from another Spacedweller attack that might kill him, but he's already dead owing to (and I'm gonna get graphic from here on) a diagonal slash across most of his body starting at his shoulder going to his hip at the opposite side. Elloyne's becoming thorougly soaked in his blood. Now if you read the background stuff on this, you can see where this is going. Their blood made contact. And it's odd, because the few seconds before he died, Elloyne felt the magnetic clingy thing towards him.

But odder than that, when she finally looked up from her incessant crying, she saw what only a few others have ever seen and lived to tell about it. The Spacelander's very horrific leader. And she was the only survivor of that battle (She gets her Blutiger Engel alias from walking back to her almost-empty city, completely soaked in blood. For reasons known only to nobody, including me, German is a common foreign language in Heckland). Half the Pyromancer's population was wiped out, but only a fraction of the Spacelanders' numbers were lost, even though swarms of them went to that battle. Scary.

Why it is that she can summon weapons from her blood is beyond her. It's beyond me, too, since I just thought it was cool. Huhuh. :B So years and years and many years later, she ends up becoming bonded to someone else who doesn't have a name yet, and more on him later. Yeah. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Evloret Hyzenthlay

Teen (NV)
Finished Work
21y339d ago
Other Work By @evlohyze

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 04 July, 2002 @ 12:56 AM

I love it. I love the wings, weapons, all of it.

Posted: Sunday, 06 October, 2002 @ 02:06 AM

wow that sythe is sick and those wings r tight as hell i love the story line i read the whole thing i can't wait to see the other drawings for the storyline

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