Samantha Nowinski

School Sketches
School Sketches by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Ahh..Ashley and I come up with the weirdest stuff. Anyway, in this picture, it has two piccies showing signs of a dork and a prep. In case you can't read my sloppy hand writing (and Ashley's ^^), here:

Signs of a Dork (me) 1) Corny Bangs 2) Confused Expression 3) Invader Zim T-shirt shirt 4) Long hair...way out of the short hair fab! 5) Ugly Jeans...just plain! 6) Huge hair tie 7) Blue and white sneakers..where's the red?!?!?! How SO unpatriotic!

Signs of a Prep 1) Bleached blonde hair, short hair fab haircut 2) Fake eye lashes 3) Padded D-cup bra 4) Wears a shorter skirt than THIS (or THAT, in this case) 5) A lot of make up

And everything else is me and Ashley. At the side, where it says "kill the freshmen" in my statement, that was the other day at our Prep Ralley. All the seniors and juniors were crying "KILL THE FRESHMEN!" and the freshmen were all "O_O", but..eh, they don't intimidate me. -_-; And, of course, it has a picture with Ashley ticked at me for some reason, and another with her obsessing over Josh Hartnett (think Peal Harbor 'ere) again..he's not THAT hot. O.o; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
21y263d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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