Samantha Nowinski

Roleplay (and story) Sketches 4
Roleplay (and story) Sketches 4 by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

I haven't done these in a while! ::sings:: It's been a while since..::Stops:: okay, I'll stop. ^^;

Anyway, lemme start from where the two girls (me and Ashley) are at the computer at the right side of the paper. She looked like that the day she met Ric (long story. lol). That pic's crappy, though...that's okay. Everything else is fine, except for how I wrote my name above that pic. ^^; Meg is just above the picture, right where that "Sam" writi ng is. And off to the left side of Meg is...um, some random Irken. Under the random Irken is Zei (just coming out of the shower in a robe and a brush), and Dib is right there with the water bill, accusing him and such. Poor Zei doesn't get a break. Hee hee. Down below those two are Martin Kaz-Rael, my newest addition (the human), and right next to Martin is a happy chibi Zei in his..um...boxers..O_o; it's too complicated to explain, but..let's just say Zei got sugar-hyper oddly enough.

Okay..now let's move on to the pic with the Gladiator quote (one of my favorites). It's Tallest Purple...thinking about his passed love one, Zir, and he knows that he just has to move on for the sake of...well, lots of things. He mourns, yes, but he knows he'll see her again in another time. (God, I drew Zir all wrong. >< there was only one pic I can copy!! But I placed Zir in a angelic-like dress so..yeah, I guess that puts some of my..."Artistic" ideas in my head, if I have any). Above THAT pic is...a random Irken with both of his legs in cast, ranting. (Hey, Chris, remember Mak's legs?? Well, there ya go! lol--it's not Mak, though ^^; I'd hate to see what he'd do if it was him)

Down below the sad Tallest pic is a random human sketch, and next to that pic is mechanic Pete Marine (Aqua's father from "Before This"). Next to his pic is me, Sam...with my mallot..."Greggie". Heehee...and, finally, next to me with my mallot is Neiken, Kei's father, who is also in "Before This" and is Pete's best friend.

(Note: In real life, Pete is my dad's name. I guess I sort of based the character off of him..except this one's more cheerful and doesn't complain and swear a lot like Zei ^^. lol)

...well, that's it! ^_^; Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y265d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Wednesday, 02 October, 2002 @ 03:03 PM

RANDOM SKETCHES OF RPG DOOM ARE NIFTY!! ^^ Haha. Man, i like your Zir better. Mine was just a spur of the moment, really bad drawing. ^^;; Mak: ::has his arms crossed and is all mad:: You just HAD to make a reference to the broken legs, didn't you? Oooooooooohhhhhyeeeeeeaaaah....^_^ That little drawing was hilarious!! I still can't stop laughing!! see?? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH...etc. GREAT PICCIES!!

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