Kim Cyr

Nekiru is hit by the Cruciatus Curse
Nekiru is hit by the Cruciatus Curse by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)

Nekiru was in her common room minding her own bisiness when two teenage students, a girl and a boy, came in. They both looked like they were up to something evil. Neki's friend Karmaisha was really worried at them so she was whispering to her that they should leave. Karmaisha ran off to the library but Nekiru wasn't fast enough.. and the male dashed up to her, raised his wand and yelled "Crucio!" At that moment, she fell to the floor, bending in half and howling with pain. The two Death Eaters just watched with pleasure, grinning evily.

I'm so proud of this o_o I hope you can see the perspective on this.. e-e I drew the girl but not the others because I couldn't draw from top anymore x.x

hmm.. i draw more humans lately.. ._. drawing became huge after i scanned it... stupid scanner smashes

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kim Cyr

Teen (VO)
21y317d ago
Other Work By @NamelessDragonic

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 05 February, 2003 @ 05:04 PM

KiM, this is amazing!!!!111 I love the angle of this picture. ^__^

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