Velasa Akutenshi

Tern_Rager by @Velasa (Velasa Akutenshi)

Another scetch of some original nameck chars- They're from Old Namecksei, before the storms- part of a group of warriors in one of my fics.

Rager's had problems involving posession since a very young part of his childhood..... He's off-the-wall furious if you push the wrong buttons with him. Tern's the one person in the world he trusts- his mind-healer, of sorts. Tern's a rarer class of nameckian- a true empath. And also his lover of sorts- the relationship's on a deeply spiritual level with these particular boys, though.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Velasa -san

22y34d ago
Other Work By @Velasa

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 12 December, 2002 @ 08:23 PM

smiles the hardly ever mentioned, hardly ever drawn, Tern and Rager! They so kawaii! ^.^

~Sky~ now awake after his quick cat nap Definatly a suger high.

~Mel~ Luvs Tern and Rager. Going now, bai! drags Sky away

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