Sparky the Seventh Chaos

The Demon of Emag Tresni
The Demon of Emag Tresni by @sparky_7th_chaos (Sparky the Seventh Chaos)

Made this on the oekaki, having waaaay too much fun with the Paint BBS' Watercolor tool.

The title doesn't make much sense on its own, and so here is the story of Emag Tresni as I remember it from The Ultimate History of Video Games:

There was once a video game company that was trying to make a handheld system to compete with Nintendo's Game Boy. During the prototype phases, they were testing a message that would come up if a player tried to turn the console on with no game in it. The message was, simply, "Insert Game." Someone put a 1 where a 0 should have been, or a 0 where a 1 should have been, and the message came out backwards as "Emag Tresni." Emag Tresni became something of an inside joke at the game company; it came to encompass the concept of 'if something can possibly go wrong, it will.'

I adopted this in-joke and created a demon to represent it. Demons for abstract concepts are fun to create. Then you can imagine yourself whacking the demon with something when the concept rears its ugly head. >: )p ^_^

Image and character © to Sparky the Seventh Chaos. Go ahead and print this out if you want; just don't sell it. If you want this for a website other than Side 7, e-mail me and we'll talk. I'll probably let you use the image, again so long as you don't make money without me off it. The same dealy goes with drawing the Demon of Emag Tresni himself.

Finished Work
19y336d ago
Other Work By @sparky_7th_chaos

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