Sparky the Seventh Chaos

Das Fehlende Buch! (or, The Missing Book!)
Das Fehlende Buch! (or, The Missing Book!) by @sparky_7th_chaos (Sparky the Seventh Chaos)

A comic thing I made for my German class. It was based on one of the exceedingly goofy stories we tell each other to learn the language. In this case, we drew mini-stories based on the main story about a missing book out of a hat, then made comics of them. A panel-by-panel translation into English follows:

Panel one This is Susanne. Susanne: Where is my book?

(The "#10" was which prompt I had)

Panel two Susanne: My book!

(The book says "Book!")

Panel three

Susanne: ...this is not my book.

Panel four

Susanne: I eat it!

Panel five Susanne: Where is MY book?!

("Geht, geht" is literally translated as "go, go;" depending on context, it can mean things like "walk, walk")

Panel six

(The book says "Cow!")

Panel seven

Susanne: Is this my book?

Panel eight

Random Cow: No. This is my book!

Panel nine Random Cow: Goodbye!

(I misspelled "Wiedersehen." Auf Wiedersehen is literally "On see again" -until we see each other again.)

Panels ten and eleven

(The book says "Monkey!")

Panel twelve

Susanne: My book!

Panel thirteen

Susanne: BOOK!

Panel fourteen

The End.

Panel fifteen

(The blank spot is where my actual name was. Since I'm not about to give out my full name over the Internet, I replaced it with my insignia. "Stunde" translates to "hour" or, in this context, "class period.")

Panel sixteen Blue! (Somehow a bit of blue stamp stuff got smeared there.)

And that is your German lesson for today. ^_^

Image, story, and characters © to Sparky the Seventh Chaos. Feel free to print this picture out – just don't sell it. If you want to spread its German stick-figure glory across the Internet, e-mail me and I'll probably let you, again so long as you don't plan to make money off it without me. The address is in my profile.

Rough / Concept
19y336d ago
Other Work By @sparky_7th_chaos

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 10 July, 2004 @ 07:49 PM

Sehr lustig. "Geht geht" -- sehr gut! XD Wenn du Deutsche MP3s oder Deutsch sprechen willst, schenkst du mir eine E-Mail! Tschuessi!

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.