Sara Maydew

Extra happiness
Extra happiness by @Lady_Epona (Sara Maydew)

Omg, Fidei's had a sex chance. ô.O Heh heh, don't ask. This isn't permenant. I just wasn't paying attention when I was drawing; the figure on the right was meant to be Esmerelda, but then I drew Fidei's ears, and then it turned into Fidei ... and I just left the breasts there for the hell of it. Though come to think of it, it isn't much of a change. Seeing as how Fidei had no male-defining features to start with anyway. shrugs Ah well, he doesn't seem bothered ... look at him, the tart.

Yes, one day I WILL draw something properly and colour it. And on that day pigs shall fly and hell will become a ski resort.

Mature (V)
Rough / Concept
20y49d ago
Other Work By @Lady_Epona

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 04 May, 2004 @ 01:00 PM

A SKI RESORT? buys tickets early Anyway... I -like- your sketch pictures <: The world needs more of them! And Fid looks cool as a female o: I like the one where she's laying down. KEW'.

Posted: Thursday, 13 May, 2004 @ 07:06 PM

Hell becomming a ski resort? Nice one, and very original, but not as nice as ur work. Simply love and envy it, as I do with everyone that hass about 200 times more talent as I. Sigh But, yes, it is quite charming for rating given it...this whole M rating thing...I think you coulda gotten away with a T, but then again, that's just me.

I still give it three thumbs up!

[ crucifer_of_the_Black_Garden's Biography ]

Posted: Saturday, 15 May, 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Yes ... I did ponder over the rating, lol. I wasn't sure how obvious Esmerelda's picture was ... finally figured that I'd be on the safe side and rate it M. She has killed herself, after all.

But anyway - many thanks for your comment! :) is happy Need to start seein' some of your work now... hehehehe. :)

Just had a pointless thought ... how the heck did Esmerelda kill herself when she's already dead...? ô.O My work makes no sense. -_-

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