Fashion Pumpkin! 8D by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
Neheh...thus implying that he has worn all the other stuff. =B No, no, I kid. This Gir for Halloween was completely and utterly random. I just drew Gir...then decided he should be a pumpkin...and then remembered a certain event in which a very smeety Mike-the-Brother was a pumpkin for Halloween and was playing with a pair of giant red sunglasses while Mom was fixing his costume (it made such a cute photograph...awwwww...little curly-haired tot Mike...). Then following that I decided it was too plain and gradually added a whole bunch of other random stuff. Like green bunny slippers. I have no idea why they are green. o.o; Oh well.
This background brought to you by the 'KidK Hastily Makes Awful Backgrounds in Ten Minutes' Foundation. u.u ...that bear is evil. Lynne and JC know what I mean. Pure evil. O.o;;
XD! GIR has fun dressing up. I love those sunglasses! Too bad I can't wear sunglass because of my evil glasses glasses.. O.o that made no sence did it? XP Well, I like the picture.
Beware the Bear!