I like the background! And the drawing... it kicks arse, even though I originally thought it was Tallest Red o.o
Tallest Maroon by @lynne (Lynne)
Yes, I REALLY overdid the background. ._.;; I got carried away and started having too much fun.. hence this just looks absolutely insane, but poor foolish Maroon can't appreciate it properly because he's.. wait.. that's a secret =X You're not allowed to know. He'd skewer me.
Anyway, this is Tallest Maroon from our RPG. u.u; He's a character that kind of popped up as a non-existant NPC, and I took him and made him into a character.. basically he was the Irken that became Tallest when Red and Purple were lost in the crashing of the Massive on Earth. He's fairly young, a scholar, and luckily for him, as tall as the former Tallest. So when Red returned with falsified news of Purple and Ivy's deaths, Maroon and Red became co-rulers. They reeeeaaaally hate each other.. Red is your typical Soldier obsessed with destruction and conquering, but Maroon is a historian obsessed with art and culture and preserving it. And he's not passive like Pur.. you can see where the conflict arises. 9.9; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lynne Stephenson
Comments & Critiques (4)
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Ooo, it's nice to be able to put a face to the monologues on ff.net! I liked the monologue and I love this pic! It's so...so...so...y'know...Is at an incredibly uncharacteristic loss of words I love his expression!! It's kind of like, "You. I see you...you slacker..." Kind of. I don't know... I love this background! It's so neat!! I could never do stuff like that! You amaze me!
When I first saw this I was all like, 'Yaaaaaaah! Lynne is reading my mind agaaaaaain!! puts on tinfoil hat' But you knew that, because I think I told you. 9.9;; RP-me was, over the weekend, bugging me nonstop while I was trying to study, putting RP-ish things into my head...and one of the things she was nagging me about was that we apparently didn't have an 'official' mental picture of her new bestest friend/fellow art and music freak. Aha...^.^;; The girl is nuts.
Well, whether you caught RP-me's brainwaves or not, 'tis very mucho cool with the background prettyness what that looks all abstract art-y and stuff...and once again I commend you on your talent with Irken eyes. o.o Glowy... Heh...RP-me is all dancey and she says 'thank you u.u.' I dunno what I'm going to do with her...9.9;;; I must blame myself for being too lassiez-faire of a parentheses god when it comes to letting the voices do whatever they want. She reeeeeeally likes hangin' out with Maroon-sama. ^.^ They ish culture homies.
Aaaaaaaaaand another pretty piece of Lynneart ends up on KidK's harddrive for desktop background use once Phyllis is dragged home and is no longer connected to the internet! WOOT! skips off to eat breakfast and listen to some Classical music before taking her exam...having forgotten for the moment about that lil' mystery secret that everyone seems to know but her ^.^ Lah dee dah dee...9.9...>.9...shut up, RP-me.
:D!!!!! COLORS! WHOOOOO!!! u.u Say what you will, that background ROCKS. :] Make it a desktop! I'd use it! An' I like the pic of Maroon, too! He looks mildly annoyed, like "YOU! Pick up those feet! These are HIGH kicks! You! That expressive dance is expressing boredom! Fix it! Fifth guard on the right, you're flat!"
o.O Hmm...it never really occured to me 'till now exactly how freaky one of the Tallest would look like without their armor. I mean, their middle is pretty much just a spine! O.o;;