Jim Russo

Noa's Mushrooms
Noa's Mushrooms by @freakyrockfox (Jim Russo)

Look's like Noa has found one of those special mushrooms!

I've been playing some old Playstation RPG's and one of the games I played was this gem, Legend of Legaia. Its a pretty friggin' awesome game! You know how you have to input fight game commands for Sabin in Final Fantasy 6? Well, this game's battle system is pretty much built around that. Imputing directions for your attack can result in attacking upper or tower body parts and even pulling off special moves and even chaining them!

I'm not sure if this is on the PSN network yet, but a physical copy can run you about $30-$40...or you can just emulate it! Either way, give it a shot if you haven't played it!

Mature (N)
Finished Work
10y210d ago
Other Work By @freakyrockfox

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Posted: Tuesday, 19 November, 2013 @ 06:46 PM
Rating: 1

Heh, things are about to get trippy.

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