Ali Wagner

I like my Gargoyles...
I like my Gargoyles... by @aliwagn (Ali Wagner)

I wish this piccy were better, but I love this peice! It's sitting on my dresser now. It's my little gargoyle man that Marco made me make. It's not really him, but it's not really 'not' him. You know what I mean? Me either.

Anyways, don't tell anyone, but I accidentally dropped this guy before I painted him. Thank god for superglue. You can't tell because it's painted.

The wings were impossible!! It's clay over toothpicks, and then cloth. Then paint. and superglue in there somewhere.

huggles it, causing it to break again Artwork © Copyright 2003 Ali Wagner

21y82d ago
Other Work By @aliwagn

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 29 March, 2003 @ 04:12 PM

Ooooh! Neato. He even has that stone look to him.

And don't we all wish we were an Oscar Meyer Weiner?

Posted: Saturday, 29 March, 2003 @ 04:37 PM

builds a Wile E. Cayote styled contraption including a polar bear, a boulder, and several cans of lighter fluid around the gargoyle

...Wait, it's not marco?!

stomps off

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