
Why is there a Cactus on the Tundra?
Why is there a Cactus on the Tundra? by @Widget (Widget)

HAHA. I made this in about 5 minutes in Bryce 4. Sorry it's dark. This is a scanned printout since I couldnt upload it anywhere on the school macs etc etc.

I love this little dude. It looks like he poked the cactus, got stuck by the needles, jumped aside and gave the strange plant the Eye. What's a cactus doing on his tundra anyways?

Not the best thing (not even centered because the cactus was last minute) but you know what? Shut up.

Finished Work
19y220d ago
Other Work By @Widget

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Tuesday, 30 November, 2004 @ 04:21 AM

I love the expression on the penguin's... I guess it's a face. That just says it all. Brilliant.

Posted: Tuesday, 30 November, 2004 @ 01:46 PM

Cute picture!! It reminded me of an article I read once about global worming: it had a penguin standing in the middle of a desert. Heh youris more cheerful of course :D I think maybe the cactus could have been a little bigger, but I like it

Posted: Wednesday, 01 December, 2004 @ 03:23 AM

8D ADORABLE!!! maybe the cactus get bored to the desert and wanted some change...

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