Larissa P.

Wolfwood Vashy and Me!!!
Wolfwood Vashy and Me!!! by @Larz (Larissa P.)

I was really bored and though hey I haven't done fanart for a while and with my current re-obsession with the best manga/anime ever ever ever I though I might try. The only problem is I am so untalented and lazy. Look at poor vashy's way awesome coat thingy. I didn't do all the stupid shading cuz I didn't feel like it...wolfwood doesn't even look like woolfwood. Yeah its an insult to the greatness of trigun. But still I couldn't help drawing it. One day when I learn how to color good of shade or anything artistic like then I'll pull this out and fix it.

Rough / Concept
20y202d ago
Other Work By @Larz

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Monday, 17 November, 2003 @ 09:28 PM

It still looks good without shading n' stuff, and Wolfwood does look like himself, I like the picture... although, vash's coat thing is alittle off, the picture looks really good.

Posted: Friday, 28 November, 2003 @ 02:51 PM

I suppose it looks okay w/o shading. it would look better is it did though. Vash's coat urgh I was frustraighted and did it simply promissing myself I'd make it look more the way it was suppose to be when I color it. Thanks for the comment ^^

Posted: Tuesday, 18 November, 2003 @ 02:03 AM

Hey, you might be lazy (I know I am) but untalented? Hardly. You draw great faces, you just need to work on details on anatomy and clothing. Vash in particular looks so freaking adorable! I just wanna cuddle him (which I'm sure is every fangirl's fondest desire...) Wolfy looks very nice with his cig--I like how you only showed one of his eyes--it works in this pic well. You look very happy in this picture--and who the heck wouldn't be? Only thing is you arms look a little long. Also, because of the shading, the glove on Vash looks more like fur, but that will easily be fixed in the coloring, ne? Wolfwood's left shoulder should be up a little more if he has his arm around you--use a mirror to observe how things move to work on anatomy--whether you are a guy or girl, it makes no difference for simple things. I also recommend How to Draw Manga books for anatomy--they are excellent resources. I really hope you do color this, it'll be very nice to see. Good luck!

Posted: Friday, 28 November, 2003 @ 02:57 PM

^__^ your coments are always so helpful. thank you. My brother bugs me about anatomy all the time. I suppose its a sign I need to work on it. Clothing :P well I cant draw em naked since I need work on anatomy so I just through something together...I shall shork on it more in the future. I will try and find the how to draw manga books (as many people I know have recomended it) but my evil book store doesn't have anything, it being in a small sleezey town. But with any luck I will find em somewhere. :D Thank you for your comment

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