Samantha Whitten

Echoes of Angels
Echoes of Angels by @Celesse (Samantha Whitten)

Oekaki~ I do a lot of pictures with strong colors and sharp contrast...I felt like doing something different this time. Dunno who the angel guys is though, I just threw him in there.

Finished Work
22y170d ago
Other Work By @Celesse

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 12:31 AM

Nice. It's got a lot of emotion to it.

Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 12:52 AM

;_; makes me want to cry myself!! sniff very purdy... sniff but i have one question: Why is she crying blood?

Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 12:57 AM

Alair is half demon, so she only cries blood from her right, eye which she usually keeps covered with her hair.

Posted: Thursday, 17 January, 2002 @ 07:42 PM

Oooo...very pretty pic' Cel'. Damn, this one's got a lot of emotion. I like it. Guess this was the one picture you were telling me you wanted to draw but couldn't deside how to go about it huh? Turned out REAL nice, way to go. ^_^

Posted: Friday, 18 January, 2002 @ 07:28 PM

Oh, I know that song! ^_^! I love that song! Great pic, it's very emotional.. shoot, I'm gonna cry again..

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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