
July 8th, 2024



As Bloo’s team tests out their new powers given to them by the Chaos Heart Simon asks Bloo what he’s going to do with the Chaos Heart and Bloo tells Simon that he’s planning to use the Chaos Heart to enslave the world and have his team rule it alongside him. All four teams (Team Bendy, Team Inkwell, Team Fazbear and the Mane Four) arrive at Bloo’s base and they tell Bloo that they’ve all decided to work together in order to stop him and to properly contain the Chaos Heart, Bloo’s team and the other four teams then proceed to fight each other in a large battle. Mugman climbs on Flippy’s robot suit while he’s distracted from trying to kill Pinkie Pie and manages to get to Flippy and she proceeds to struggle with him, Pinkie Pie then straps several explosives on Flippy’s suit while he’s struggling with Mugman and the two Toons run from Flippy as the explosives destroy his robot suit and also launch him out of it. Mandy subdues Freddy and freezes him solid when he goads her into freezing him, Boris then appears behind Mandy and immobilizes her with some Devil’s Ink. Bonnie tries to attack Simon but he is easily stopped by Simon’s magnetic powers, Fluttershy then stealthily stabs Simon in the leg (thanks to her cloaking device) and Bonnie knocks Simon out as he pulls the knife out of his leg.



Darkstalker takes on Foxy and as he fights Foxy, Cuphead subdues Darkstalker by stabbing him from behind with a blade of Light, Twilight and Bloo then fight each other and as they fight the two find themselves engaging in a beam struggle. During the beam struggle Bloo tells Twilight that he’s going to wipe out all four teams and when he does he and his crew are going to rule the world with the Chaos Heart, suddenly members of all four teams grab onto Bloo so Twilight can win the beam struggle she’s in. Bloo then gets everyone off of him with a shockwave and tells Twilight to say goodbye, Twilight then says goodbye and we see that Pinkie Pie has placed an explosive on Bloo while she was grabbing him and the explosive blows up, giving Twilight the opportunity to win the beam struggle and completely obliterate Bloo. The four teams celebrate their victory and Twilight says that they won because they worked together to stop Bloo and his team, The four teams then try to decide on what to do with the defeated villains and Ashlee arrives and announces that she has an idea. Twilight asks Ashlee what she’s doing here and Ashlee tells her that she’s here to take care of the villains and to contain the Chaos Heart, Ashlee then forms an energy construct around the Chaos Heart and tells Twilight that she’s going to bring it to Sanctuary so she and her team can decide on what to do with it.



Ashlee also tells Twilight that she has arranged for someone to take care of the defeated villains, we then see a portal open and two giant hands (that look like Rayman’s hands) come out of the portal and grab Bloo and the other villains. The hands then bring Bloo and his team into the portal, Ashlee then says goodbye to all four teams and she goes back to Sanctuary with the Chaos Heart in tow. Back at Sanctuary, Ashlee and the other Alternates are wondering what to do with the Chaos Heart now that it’s in their possession. In another Dimension, the giant hands are holding Bloo and his team as they plead with the hands not to kill them. We hear a voice tell the villains that he’s not going to kill them and the hands proceed to transform the villains into trading cards, the voice then declare that he can now focus on his next project as we see him handle several orbs of differing colors.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
19d2h ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil
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