
July 7th, 2024



Twilight Sparkle tells Team Fazbear that the Chaos Heart is theirs and with Team Bendy and Team Inkwell not being in Peru then they will have an easy time acquiring the Chaos Heart and the team proceeds to leave Team Fazbear and look for the Chaos Heart. As the Mane Four run for the Chaos Heart Twilight tells her team to keep going as she detects the Heart being near through her horn, a large amount of ink suddenly rains down on the Mane Four and they are immobilized by the ink. Team Bendy (who got to Peru thanks to a teleportation device) tells the Mane Four that they are trapped in a magic ink called “Devil’s Ink”, Bendy then thanks the team for taking care of Team Fazbear and his team proceed to leave for the Chaos Heart. Team Bendy eventually finds the Chaos Heart and as they approach the Heart, Boris is shot from behind by Team Inkwell who are armed with Tommy guns and the team reveals to Team Bendy that they got to Peru with a biplane that they own. The Mane Four teleport to the two teams and we also see that Team Fazbear have escaped their marble imprisonment, all four teams are now at the Chaos Heart, ready to fight to each other over it.



The four teams proceed to fight each other over the Chaos Heart and during the fight Rainbow Dash gets one of her wings shot by Mugman, Bendy then gets one of his eyes clawed out by Freddy and Ms. Chalice gets her arm broken by Pinkie Pie. While the four teams battle each other a yellow orb falls from the sky and lands in the middle of the jungle and everyone stops fighting each other to look at the orb, the orb then starts to vibrate and afterwards it releases a shockwave that knocks everyone to the ground. We see Bloo and his villain team (from a previously “censored” world) arrive and Bloo thanks the four teams for fighting each other so they can make it easy for his team to get the Chaos Heart, four members from the four teams (Chica, Bendy, Ms. Chalice and Rainbow Dash) attempt to attack Bloo and his team but he has Ultron kill all four of them with energy blasts. Bloo then picks up the Chaos Heart through a force field and he teleports himself and his team out of Peru, leaving all four teams to grieve their fallen members. As the four teams grieve Pinkie Pie suggests that maybe they all should’ve left things to the real heroes, Freddy then claims that they were so busy fighting each other that they forgot to do what was important; which was to prevent the Chaos Heart from getting into the wrong hands.



All four teams realize that they all did what they did so they could prevent the Chaos Heart from getting into the wrong hands and they also talk about how they failed despite having a common goal, Cuphead then tells everyone that they haven’t failed yet and that they can all still stop Bloo and his team from using the Chaos Heart for anything evil if they work together. All four teams agree to work together and Cuphead and Freddy shake on it, back at Bloo’s lair he and his team use the Chaos Heart to give themselves a power boost:




Bloo fuses himself with Ultron to become a robotic being called “Doombringer”.



Mandy acquires ice powers and an ice form as well as short hair.



Simon gets magnetic powers as well as Magneto’s costume.



Flippy acquires a giant robot suit.



Darkstalker becomes a creature made out of darkness and he can control darkness as well.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
20d2h ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil
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