Bridgette Berry

Aidu's Secret (ooo)
Aidu's Secret (ooo) by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

I told a lot of people that Aidu (my Zim fanchar) had a secret and most guessed that she was actually an Irken. Obviously, that's wrong. ^^ For more of an explanation, read her character biography. I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably never going to revive/rewrite East of Saturn, only because I've had writer's block for the past few months, so I tried to sum up (very briefly) the story in her bio.

Heheh.. Aidu's anger somewhat reflects how I was feeling when I drew this. XD I don't like how the coloring came out, though. ; . ;

If I had completed the fic, this picture would illustrate Aidu right after being thrown into a garbage disposal by the Froidian observation team. 'tis rated T just to be safe, as her face has been ripped halfway off. o.o; Artwork © Copyright 2002 Bridgette Berry

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y72d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 21 April, 2002 @ 10:16 PM

That is SO evil looking... As Dave said: 'Terminator AIDU'. Mwahahahahah... Anyhow, I must ask.. What is CG'd here, and what is markered/nibbed? It looks so good, and I just can't tell the difference anymore! I love the expression. =D

She would really have the 'Poke of Doom' with her finger like that. heheh...

Posted: Monday, 22 April, 2002 @ 01:50 AM

There is no marker.. it's all CGed and I hate it. >.< It was outlined completely with pen nibs.. they're hard to get used to, yes yes.

Posted: Tuesday, 23 April, 2002 @ 01:46 PM

Um... wow... I didn't expect this one. Well, here's hoping that someone helps her become a cyborg. Mebbe Zim, wouldn't THAT be ironic!

Posted: Tuesday, 23 April, 2002 @ 07:58 PM

Woah...this is awesome! Heehee, I never expected it, actually ^^;; It looks great! Whee :D

Posted: Thursday, 23 October, 2003 @ 08:35 PM

O__________O Okay...cuteness gone...poor Aidu. ;_; It'd be angry-fying to be a robot-cyborg-android...

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