Gnat Andros

Fire Dragon - Rage
Fire Dragon - Rage by @gnatandr (Gnat Andros)

The fire dragon represents the element fire, and the emotion rage. Those borne under it on the horoscope usually are quick tempered, wild, and always wanting to do something, for fear of losing any patience. The history of this creature starts when it was once an evil spirit, that burnt villages and whole fields with the billowing fire that was blown from its mouth. It was stopped however, when the Spirits of time encased it in a jewel, and sent that jewel to the very center of Toro, where it lived it's punishment out for many a - years.

Woo, you're probably all wondering where that came from, eh? I have an RPG, and this is one of seven other elemental spirits in it. The planet, Toro, also uses a horoscope based on these dragons. I got them all done so I'm uploading them now. thank god Side7 is up! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Gnat Andros

Finished Work
22y4d ago
Other Work By @gnatandr

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 07 March, 2004 @ 04:46 PM

I've just looked at all four of your dragon emblems, and since I am too lazy to comment on them all individually, I'll comment on them all here. It's quite a unique concept, and all four are quite unique in their own right, and they do all look like something you could hang about your neck. Super job! Keep drawing!

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