it is nice, how ever I would not be so mad at you if this was not copyed off an UTENA OFFICAL none the less, don't you think such a common pic as an UTENA one would be noticed??? if you would A> give credit or B> take down....I would really hate to turn you in....because I enjoy your cgi but the the shameless copying makes me mad....
Nightshade by @StarChildOrion (Anastasia Kraus)
One of the several "agents" from me and Rush's "Wired" comic. She's pretty..and her hair was a Biotch to color...X__<;;
Have fun, Kiddos.
Comments & Critiques (3)
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Again with the "Copyright the poses" This is as pathetic as "save the three-toed sloths". Why should I even listen to you? You can't even write a sentence without 1 gramatically incorrect statement. Language reflect persona, I suppose. Also, I spent hours on now I have to take this down for 'swiping' a pose? I drew this picture, taking referance from a 3 x 3 in. picture of Utena. I thought that it would be the best bet to do this BECAUSE the character has long curly hair, just like the revolutionary girl. If I was draw her in an ORIGINAL pose you'd probaly go off telling me a swiped it. And again..what are you going to say to the admin? "She swiped this pose....she is a STEALING, BACKSATBBING UGLY-FACE!" I am not taking this down. I worked very hard on CGing this, and I am very proud of it. I might give credit because I see some truth in what you're saying,and how did 'shameless' even get brought into this? What do I have to be ashamed of? So just "save the drama for yer momma", I don't feel like listening to you.
Wow. O.o This is beautiful. I'm partial to purple hair myself.. (About time I re-dyed it, now that I think of it). Anyways, nice job.