Maria Ochoa

The Bounty Hunt
The Bounty Hunt by @mariocho (Maria Ochoa)

I'm really happy with this one :D I worked very hard on it to make it the way I wanted it.

Its supposed to be for me and my b/f's current RPG. Gohan is Boba Fett, and Agra is the Jedi, whom he is after. The beads she wears signifies that she is a rogue Jedi, one who serves neither side of the force.

Gohan © Akira Toriyama Boba Fett © George Lucas Agra © me!

Finished Work
22y90d ago
Other Work By @mariocho

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 10 June, 2002 @ 01:28 AM

^_^! That's really cool, I think it came out great, too. I especially like the glow on the lightsaber, really nifty. =3

Posted: Wednesday, 12 June, 2002 @ 02:14 AM

Wai wai! I like how your piccie came out too. It's really great. Boba Fett is the MAN! nods Jedi are kewl too but I just like Boba Fett. Can't wait till episode 3 comes out. >:)

Posted: Friday, 14 June, 2002 @ 10:24 PM

It's the girl formally known as Atag! I changed for some reason, I don't know why but I did. Now for the comment. DUDE! This is so cool! I think Jedi rock and this is jut da bomb! When do you think your website will be put back up? Just wondering, Blast you later! (My crappy knew way of saying goodbye.)

Posted: Tuesday, 18 June, 2002 @ 05:03 PM

Wha-Ha-Ha! This is so flippin' shifty! Oh my gosh, that's so cool! I luv pics like this! (What a great idea-Agra as a jedi and Gohan as the all mighty Boba Fett....and a rouge jedi? Wow...why didn't Yoda think of that?) Dang, this is so cool...keep drawing stuff like this! It's so cool how you do famous fiction mixups (as I call em') like this! :)

Posted: Friday, 16 August, 2002 @ 12:48 PM


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