She'll Pirate Your Heart by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
This do be the first of two--count 'em, two--calendar images I have done for the month of February! ^-^ I apparently promised Lynne I'd do one and the rest of everybody I'd do a different one, so I just did both rather than disappoint anyone.
This here do be Kat! =D And she be quite the fine figure of a lass, don't she? This pic's kind of 'warm' for February...I mean since it's outdoors in the sun and all, but what the hey. u.u; Pirates have to be out and about in all kinds of weather, I'd suppose. Anywhooooo...hope you likes, Kat! ^_^ You pretty!
XD!! She ADORABLE! :D! I LOVE the back ground and the SHINIES and man you kick my butt at coloring. XD! GREAT JOB!