Elizabeth Dlouhy

The Whisper in the Wind
The Whisper in the Wind by @elizdlou (Elizabeth Dlouhy)

Remember her? Viki, my leopardess character that was of the first characters I created. She just turned 3 years old on October 5th. :)

Although it may not look like it, this really took a lot out of me; I had to take several breaks from working on it. Viki is based off of a friend of mine whose friendship with me got really rocky and plummetted to the ground and ended for a while. She still remains close to me and so does her presence in the character, so it is hard to look at Viki in the same way I did before and not see the real figure behind her. But I love her too much to let something like that get in the way.

Lines in Open Canvas, coloring in PS CS2 (Please take the time to full-view for the appreciation and detail put into the artwork.)

Happy Birthday, Viki.

15y2d ago
Other Work By @elizdlou

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Sunday, 05 July, 2009 @ 05:20 PM
Rating: 5

You did really well portraying a lot of vibrance and detail using so few colors. I especially love the meticulousness in the shading, particular in her hair and on her nose. The shadows make me want to look up to see what beautiful, swirling thing is casting them. ^^ Her expression came out very peaceful and serene - she really looks like she's having a good birthday! - and you deserve tons of praise for the detail and accuracy that you put into her spots; they look way better than anything I could have done. Great pic!

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