Heee. I like throwing her into walls and watching her totter around seeing stars. I'm so awful.
I played with my safety-save file a little. Did it help any? http://www.side7.com/art/cid/medli3.JPG
Shail Hawkins
Fan art from my newest obsession. Little Medli, the Earth Sage. Awww. I like her. Uhm..i really dont have much more to say.
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Heee. I like throwing her into walls and watching her totter around seeing stars. I'm so awful.
I played with my safety-save file a little. Did it help any? http://www.side7.com/art/cid/medli3.JPG
Yeiee - yes - I love her. XD She is adorable, isn't she? I think she's a little weird looking (and kinda creepy sometimes), but very cute. ::never played. watched BF play for a bit, tho::
I think I would have loved this piece a lot more if her hair had more detail. Everything else is wonderfully colored with nice 3d's and such and then her hair is really flat and looks like stained glass. So it throws the rest of it off. >_>