Jao Kolad

Past Fun!
Past Fun! by @jao (Jao Kolad)

Well, here it is, this is a very specail pic too. If you look closely, there are 3 pics that are not in my archive. One of a well known OC for Invader Zim named Jazz (The only self-colored one beside Dib in a pumpkin) A small, tiny dun bother tryin to read it cuz It's in Japanese format comic down at the bottom that I had up on my archive once, but I took it down. And my first try at Yami Yugi, or anything YGO for that matter (The pic of Yami near teh lower left hand corner)

There's even a tiny pic I drew of E. That insane girl in a few pics here on my archive. She's fun to draw tho now a days I draw her more close to what she really looks like. Some of these are new, some older. Some requested adn some insane strickes of madness. ::shrugs::

I just hope you guys dun think "Oh man, That Jao would be NO THING with out her program to color these! They're terrible!!" Please let me know whatcha think! =D

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jao Kolad

Teen (N)
Finished Work
21y213d ago
Other Work By @jao

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 06 November, 2002 @ 06:21 AM

My god...Savin won't shut up... Savin: Jao...draw...Jazz...in that outfit MORE OFTEN! More often I tell you! -_-; What did I say? He won't shut up...and he's drooling over my keyboard! ::pushes Savin away from the computer:: JEEEZ! You haven't done this in a while, Sav...back off, back off... Savin: B-But--he--he-- SHUT UP and go away... Savin: Curses...Can't even say he looks-- Watch your langauge, Sav..no cursing allowed, remember? Savin: ::gives Arm a Look:: Well, he's never worn that infront of me...for obvious reasons, of course--but DARN...I need to wake him up...::goes off:: He liked it, obviously, and I remember most of these! lol And Savin acted like he's never seen that outfit before...::shrugs:: Guess he wasn't around when you designed it. XD

Posted: Saturday, 11 January, 2003 @ 11:37 AM

Hee, I jus twent to look at your naked pic of Jou and decided to look at teh rest of your art. I love this picture! It is actually one of my favourite ones, the naked Yami (eechi grin) and the one where he has wings are my favs, oh and the one of Yami Bakura! Kawaii! I love it. I udn't know who the other people are but that's okay!

Posted: Wednesday, 12 March, 2003 @ 06:03 PM

wow! i love the ygi's and yami's wink way to go! ^_^

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