Haley Brown

Lupin!! ^o^. (what's he doing?)
Lupin!! ^o^. (what's he doing?) by @NK (Haley Brown)

Woo! I haven't done HP fanart in aaaages. In fact looks down The last of it was so old it's not even here! Oh well, now that there is some, how do you like it? I think it's spiffy ^^. but the colors aren't exaaactly perfect (& it scanned evil! I don't care what you say, it just drives me nuts anyway) & people say... sniff they say.... he looks like a giiiiirl! T_T. Well, they always say that. shrugs Should I add a BG? I dunno what it would even be..

PS erk, before anyone else says anything else about it... that is his right hand. See the left one on his knee? I hoped it be more visible after I colored it...

Finished Work
21y203d ago
Other Work By @NK

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 18 November, 2002 @ 12:53 PM

Well, I don't think he looks that much like a girl. I like the style and the colouring, they feel happy, but… the hand? I think you drew a right hand instead of a left hand...

Posted: Monday, 18 November, 2002 @ 07:20 PM

KAWAII!!!! Wow that is so wonderful, mabey its the reddish lips that make him look like a girl. Wow, and the hand is a bit weird. Your are really great! I wonder why this is the first time ive commented on one of your arts? You really should do more HP fanart. Please keep it up, and I saw your other art at the Con. It was amazing!

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