Eric Broffel

The Rougish Priest, Xellos!
The Rougish Priest, Xellos! by @Eric_Broffel (Eric Broffel)

I get a kick out of Slayers every time I see it. And I especially get a kick out of this character. Xellos! I actually just drew this and colored it in about five hours. But then again, I really don't keep track of time when I'm doing these things. I actually drew this for my little sister because Xellos is her favorite Slayers character. I call it a late birthday present for her.


Aren't I such a nice big brother? :)

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Eric Broffel

Finished Work
21y213d ago
Other Work By @Eric_Broffel

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 02 January, 2003 @ 02:08 AM

Yes! Great pic! Xellos rocks!!! Why do I love him so? Sore wa himitsu, desu! ^_-

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 11:42 PM

Emiko wikes dis one da best oudda da two of Sewwos-chan. n.n he wooks shesi n.n

Henry: Uh...excuse Emiko's incorrect english, what she ment to say was that you did a excelent job on this one Erik.

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Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.