West Knight

Teledu Cymru (1982)
Teledu Cymru (1982) by @WestKnightTV (West Knight)

Despite contender wanting to replicate the Wales/West bespoke identity system, HTV/Teledu Cymru won the 1980 franchise round with little effort. What's not as low was Teledu Cymru's presentation department, who thought they could try to do more than holding onto the decade-old image. Especially with Cymrag programming now transferred to S4C, a stronger and fresher identity is needed.

This was what they came up with. The dragon emblem and the orange tone remained, but illuminated behind the same black backdrop used in the neighbouring new guys. Their name was fully capitalized, while the HTV byline was amended to reflect the loss of Welsh programming.

Originally posted on DeviantArt in April 2023.

© 2024 West Knight | Not to be used in minting NFTs or training AI drawing models.

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13d1h ago
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