Sabrina O'Neal

Forever imcomplete.
Forever imcomplete. by @runestar (Sabrina O'Neal)

Years ago there was this scientist who loved his daughter more then anything in the whole world. But she was always sick and in pain. The scientist couldn't stand watching her suffer like this so he set to making a machine that would cure her of all ills. When the machine was completed he didn't even bother to test it, so excited he was. Somthing went horribly wrong though and the machine,instead of healing his daughter, killed her. Overcome with grief the scientist set to making an android..an exact copy of his beloved daughter. The scientist made the robot to where she was older then his daughter and an angel has he saw her..he even used the flesh of his greatest treasure,so twisted was he now. But it wasn't enough..he had to 'collect' other flesh to complete his creation. He never got too far, he was caught before the D.O.L.L could be completed..he always kept her hidden though,his most precious gift. So when they destroyed his lab she remained,but a lifeless husk of twisted hope,until one day a thunder storm hit and set some of the wires around her 'tomb' alive..they struck and thus,she lives,or as best as she can being only half complete, never to truly be completed.

Mouse drawn, pretty much like the rest.

Finished Work
22y254d ago
Other Work By @runestar

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 13 January, 2002 @ 04:05 PM

Oh my God,that's a beautiful picture you did,as well the story is lovely.You're very createv.=^-^=!

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