Lindsey Davis

Barf... you know... from spaceballs
Barf... you know... from spaceballs by @linddavi (Lindsey Davis)

I finally got to see Spaceballs, thanks to being lent the DVD by Terry-kun and... what can I say? It rocked ^^ This is merely my homage to a great character.... laughs that's why I love fanart so much. But seriously... I unconciously duplicated the pose I have of Tora in that animated blinking thing... ~~;; Leave it to Lindsey to do something that careless I guess... this is just one of the "stock poses" my mind comes up with first, and I didn't bother thinking whether I'd done it previously. This was also my first try in a LONG time with Paint Shop Pro... and my first real "CG" with that prog ^_^;;

Finished Work
22y250d ago
Other Work By @linddavi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 20 February, 2002 @ 10:59 AM

Haha! I love this! That movie totally rocked, though it's been ages since I've seen it. I love your rendering of Barf. :)


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