Laguna Barr

Anyone want flamer on a stick?
Anyone want flamer on a stick? by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)

This is for Tazzy ( Tahlia )chan who is ill, and feeling downright depressed.. and to top it all off.. she gets her first flame from some prick who tells her to "jump off a cliff.. it'll do the world some good". What a (changed for obvious reasons, thanka Li-chan ^^) stupid monleybutted moron!! Tazzy is one of the nicest, most talented people i know... heck she's younger and more talented than i am!! ( But then again i'm not really that talented ...But she is!!) so I really wish she could track down this son of a dog so she really could chop off his head and skewer it over a open fire.

( i'm sorry for the swearing, which has now been changed but that's just how annoyed off about this i really am!!)

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Laguna Barr

Finished Work
21y196d ago
Other Work By @Axenblade

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 01:57 PM

I totally agree with you on that bud!!, and if he ever thinks of upsetting any of us ever again...:: cracks knuckles and brandishes a sword:: we'll be ready for him :: evil grin:: hehee and great piccy bud...what say we roast that guys head over a fire huh? Heheee ^^ we're gonna be eatin' Toasted Flamer Tonight!

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 09:40 PM

Oiy, oiy! Even though I totally agree with you that this guy is obviously a total jerk because Tahlia rules, don't swear in the image description! That could get you kicked off Side 7! I can only see the thumbnail because my computer is being a butt, but it was a very nice thumbnail... Excuse me as I go eat the severed head of this jerk and try to force my comp to work.

Posted: Wednesday, 28 May, 2003 @ 06:01 AM

glomps you and won't let go Sankyou soooooooooooo much! I love it! It's made me feel so much better! pokes the flammers head with a spork hmm, not quiet done yet, roast him fer a few more minutes, then he'll taste beautiful with a bit'a tartare sauce XD

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