Hannah Lupton

Possible part of a bio piccu ^^;;
Possible part of a bio piccu ^^;; by @hannlupt (Hannah Lupton)

decided to redraw hana assa demon again ^^;; Like how it turned out, but I don't like the sitting pose a ton ^^;

Teen (N)
20y222d ago
Other Work By @hannlupt

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 14 November, 2003 @ 10:00 PM

I think the sitting pose is great--but it might look better if the darker part of the background was coming from the bottom, rather than the top of the image, so it seems she has something to sit on, y'know? I really love the blue colors, and the reflected light is done quite well on this. I like her kind of sad, lonely expression. It's really cute. In a sad, lonely kind of way, that is. :)

Posted: Friday, 14 November, 2003 @ 10:43 PM

Yeah, I'll think about changing the Gradient, thanks for the suggestion =) Eh, wasn't originally intended to look lonely(though that may be partly what she's feeling), sad, well, for the most part, yeah, she not like that form too much ^^;;; Not because she goes AWOL or something, but because of the stereotypes(which are validated) that revolve around that oo;

and I forgot to mention, dun worry about her too much, there are a few who know about that, and don't mind ^_~ (and one that's likely about to find out, I must confess, I'm a little nervous about that ^^;;)

Anyway, thanks for the comment/suggestion ^^

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