Jessica Gonzalez

Mai and Sakura
Mai and Sakura by @Dark_Maiden_Kira (Jessica Gonzalez)

These cute little priestess’ are fan created characters for Inuyasha. Mai is half cat demon, while her elder sister Sakura is full-blooded demon. For anyone who’s watched Inuyasha, I’m sure it’s pretty obvious who’s the demon and who’s the half-breed, lol.

Finished Work
20y131d ago
Other Work By @Dark_Maiden_Kira

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 04 March, 2004 @ 09:52 PM

Sakura looks rather frightening. She has a very dark expression, and the way her claws are right over Mai's head in such a way convey a really interesting kind of sibling relationship--It's almost protective, but it's also kind of threatening. Very interesting.

Lovely coloring. Colored pencils, I presume? I'm very impressed with the soft tints on their kimono, and the little patterns on them are lovely. Another interesting difference between these two are the way Sakura is wearing all that jewelry, and Mai is unadorned. It's very interesting--I can compare them to Inu-Yasha and Sesshoumaru--except these two aren't trying to kill eachother. ::grins::

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