Mary Huff

Severus Snape aka Slimy git
Severus Snape aka Slimy git by @Chronicdoodler (Mary Huff)

Been almost two years sinec I last uploaded here. My bio still says I'm 16 for crying out loud lol. If anyone cares I'll be adding two of my drawings each day until, I am cuaght up. Hope ya like.

I am getting addicted to doing entire pictures on the computer. They just come out better for some reason. So yeah here is a picture of the slimy git y'all love to hate, Severus Snape. Once again not meant to be hot, but according to people who seen this he has an undeniable sex appeal. sighs Alan Rickman ya beautiful bastard you destroyed any concept of an ugly Snape forever. Well don't worry ^_^. I might add in oily skin, clogged pores (particularly in the T-zone) and slimify his hair; Once I figure out how to do so. Had to actually do a google search to see what a hook nose was. Still not sure I got it right. Also I don't recall ever meeting someone with sallow skin

Finished Work
20y91d ago
Other Work By @Chronicdoodler

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