Mary Huff

Loony Loopy Lupin!!!!
Loony Loopy Lupin!!!! by @Chronicdoodler (Mary Huff)

as the title says. This is my interpretation of my fave character Remus Lupin. I always understood the character to not be drop dead gorgoues just have a warmth and kindness that just shone and that is attractive in and of itself. However, from the ardous process from sketch to color he started to get more and more studly. So yeah, behold Remus Lupin unintentional stud muffin. Well at least he looks tired and not stoned lol. I really seem to like the moon in the background that's not actually the light source just hanging there like a giant cracker theme. don't I? catches breath Whew long sentence. Also learning to incorporate the strentghs of both painter and photoshop. I like how this came out. next on my list on htings to do is to use blues, greens and purples in skin tones.

Finished Work
20y92d ago
Other Work By @Chronicdoodler

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