Chris T.E.

Uziti sketch
Uziti sketch by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)

more... fan... character... crap... god... need... hobby... O_O

Her name's Uziti. She's a thief/hunter. (in case you haven't noticed, yeah, there's a little pun in her name, as with Guntz; Guntz = gun, Uziti = uzi. Get it? MUAH HA of course you do.)

Going on...

Last name: Gabriela First name: Uziti Sex: female Age: 19 years Birthday: October 19th Alias: 'Gabbi', 'Dark Dream' Likes: Bugging Klonoa and Guntz to death; tricking people; being able to look extremely cute and innocent when she's actually the complete opposite (aw, come on, we all want that lol), stealthiness, the color black Dislikes: nightmares, being helped, losing (at anything, naturally), being denied something, the color pink (too girly in her opinion. Can't blame her too much...)

Meh. I have plans of fitting her into story... Most likely as Guntz's rival. I dunno yet. shrugs Innshe PUUUUURTY? is thwacked

21y138d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 @ 08:25 PM

I like her very much! I could maybe be better than you in computer coloring..... but hey, your linearts definitely beat mine... I was thinking about an art exchange but I don't know if you are interested. Uhm. I have to talk to you^^

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