Samantha Nowinski

Roleplay Sketches 3
Roleplay Sketches 3 by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

I put the rating as it is just to be safe. Better than sorry, eh? Well, anyway, I finally made Red look like he didn't have his hand in his boxers. lol

Hee...I realized that I'm drawing Zei and Meg the most..they're just fun to draw for some odd reason (okay, okay, drawing Meg with a soda is Nori's character Rem's influence!! Him and his stupid freezies...hmmm..I can go for anything cherry now, though ><). Anyway, I drew Dib's son Max standing by Dib with the sign "HELP!!" (I'd be scared if Gaz came up to me with a bloody knife O_O). Max is SO adorable! ^^..anyway, I drew Legolas from LoTR somewhere on this page...it doesn't look like him, but I just did it for fun (and I needed to add one more picture). Zei with the burning rose, thinking "love sucks", has taken place in Nori's roleplay before he met her character (and, if you look below with the happy Zei with hearts, that's when he fell for her..^^ awwww..). Quale doesn't understand how Zei feels though, so he thinks it's all pathetic. There's another picture of Zei around here...think it's right above Gaz. Yup. He's there. And Mayumi and Ralz are fighting over a ball..hee, I gotta remake Ralz's look. I have to make him look cute (lol). This is the last time I draw Red in boxers without his Tallest suit...the Tallests are hard buggers to draw. Red's an annoying little thing eh? And Zei has a bat...GET HIM, ZEI! GET HIM!! lol

Well, that's it!!.....for now.....gwahahahaha..::laughs like her dentist:: Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Teen (NV)
Rough / Concept
21y309d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Wednesday, 21 August, 2002 @ 07:36 PM

Bwa-ha! It's so CUTE! ^-^ Lots of Zei's...And...QUALE! I like that name. Quale. X3

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