Nanashi Watanabe

Ayekastar's Goppoco and Core Form
Ayekastar's Goppoco and Core Form by @Nanashi (Nanashi Watanabe)

As requested by Ayeka ^^ Dis be her goppoco! XD I zink she wanted a new friend. Well, the mouse part is because she's kinda fragile (emotionally), lion is for a good heart, and the flying squirrel is for high spirits X3 It's wings are the flying squirrel's flaps of skin, which is hard to see in the pic, but easy on the core XD; But on the core I made it too big, or the flaps too small, therefore messing it up. Ah, well ^^ I hope joo like him/her! This was done with the tablet... explaining the thick and thin lines cause I had to erase the evil sketchyness XD

Finished Work
21y158d ago
Other Work By @Nanashi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 10:42 AM

YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!! ^_^ hugs Thankyou! This is my new friend!! X3 I luff him!! Hes gonna be a him okay? X3...anyways, you did very well one the body of the lion, the tail is really cyute, and I love the head, and eye ^^ Thanks again! Expect something from me soon! X3

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