Nikki Star

Older Rini (and calling people I'm giving art gifts and fan arts to) by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

WHAT IS THIS?! WAS THIS DRAWN BY ME? First of all, its an ANIME fan art! SECOND OF ALL! Its not Zimmy or JVyish! 3RD OF ALL!!! IT was colored in pencil colors? WHAT IS THIS!?!! WHO HAS INVADED MY GALLERY!? I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol...heh...That was fun! ^_^ Anyway, I drew this picture a couple of weeks ago (couldn't scan because I'm too lazy and because of school) as well as a picture of a some-what SD sailor moon, but I won't bring that one just yet. Um...well, about this picture. I haven't used pencil colors in a LONG time! I really like how it came out, excepting the few smudgy marks. I TRIED drawing her full body, but failed miserably, so you only see her top. I don't know if she is wearing a swim-suit or a dress...you decide...Anyway, what do you think? ^^;

--For people I'm drawing pictures for-- I know I was the one who wanted to draw them, but its still taking me a while ^^; BUT! There is hope! The reason I'm taking long is that Skool just started, and the weekend before last we dropped my bro off at UT (he's a college man, now :P ) and then last weekend we dropped in for his b-day...yay. Anyway, well, What about after skool, you are saying, right? Well, I must admit something...I'm in the dance team. SHOCK! HOW DO THIS BE? Well, I WAS gonna quit this year, but I ended up making friends...lol. It isn't too bad, really. Actually, when I'm not SUPER tired, it can be fun! ^^ In fact, tomorrow at out pep-rally I will be performing twice...yay! Anyway, that pretty much sucks up my time between 3:30 to 7:00. Then I gotta eat food, and do IMENSE amounts of homework, and then shower, and then inspiration comes for a song and I MUST write it. Now, ants are all over my keyboard, and I think one just crawled up in my shorts...I hate ants... ANYWAY! And then there was tonight when I had to make a poster, too! (heh...that was fun, though). But this weekend all I have is a football game, but no practicing or anything... Yep... then I have the whole damned weekend!!! Yay!!! Audience: What about Labor Day? Me: Quiet, you! I'm trying to get away with that!

Remember, this goes out to people I told I was gonna draw stuff for them...That means like 4 or 5 for Invader Sam and 1 for Em (Implosion)...Yay! Ok, I gotta go take off my shoe insole things! Bye!!!

Finished Work
21y300d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 07 September, 2002 @ 04:29 PM

Wow, I am in AWE of how you drew her profile! It's so, like... perfect and cute! And I know what a pain in the arse that line can be to draw, so you did a great job on that ^^ The shading turned out nice too, and um, I'll go with 'dress.'

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