Tim Fewell

Sally Alicia Acorn Judging Phillip
Sally Alicia Acorn Judging Phillip by @Timothius (Tim Fewell)

OK you Sonic fans! Here we have Sally as a judge like in issue 40 of the comic series! Anyhow... in this pic, Phillip is defending his cause... I mean... case... I mean... both! Yeah. Er, um... anyhow. He's an overly zealous freedom fighter who is showing Sally that she doesn't have to allow the hypocricy of kangaroo courts tyranize her and her people. Will he get far in his argument? Well we all know Sally is a fair person, but we also know she wasn't willing to follow her heart concerning Sonic's case. Perhaps she learned from the previous experience with Sonic... who knows?

Finished Work
21y110d ago
Other Work By @Timothius

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 21 March, 2003 @ 08:57 PM

Heh... poor Sally. After that incident with Sonic, I guess she still bears some of the guilt.

Um, wanna see my fics?

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