Bridgette Berry

Sailor Zim! ..And Tuxedo Dib?
Sailor Zim! ..And Tuxedo Dib? by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

Zim doesn't look all too happy with his role in this, now does he? cackles This was inspired by an AIM chat. XD Although I don't really like how it turned out, I definitely had fun drawing this one.. It's not supposed to be slashy, but I guess it could be taken as such considering Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask's relationship, after all. ;P

I plan to do more Sailor Zimmy stuff. EVIL ME! XD laffs maniacally

Finished Work
22y123d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (20)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 06:48 AM

YEEHAHAHAHA!!! XD This is GREAT! I'm dying of laughter right now! Doom Prism Power HAHAHAHA!!! Oh, that's just priceless! Dib looks pretty good in a tux, and Zim... well, poor Zim ^_^ You HAVE to do more of these! This is too freakin' funny!

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 07:22 AM

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That is frickin' hysterical! Dib looks adorable and Zim...OMG he's precious! He's little antenna are soooooo CUTE! And he's got a nice pair of legs...grrrrrrowllllllll. ^.~

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 07:41 AM

::Head looks as if it were going to pop off at any moment from holdign the laughter in:: MUST...BREATH! ::tryes to breath whail saying:: OMG! THATS SOOO FUNNY! poor Zim.. Hmm..need the evil and dark Ms Bitters who is going to go doom everyone and have Zim use his "powers" to stop her...or is Ms Bitters an 'It' I'm not shure...::finaly gets breath back, looks at the pic once more and then laughs her head off:: YOUR SOO EVIL! XD

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 11:48 AM

... I luuuv yooooooouuuuu... XD XD XD THIS IS WONDERFUL!!!! CACKLES

... oh no, now I'm tempted to write a FIC about this. X.X

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 12:09 PM

You, my friend, are a geinious! Yes, the sheer briliance is uncany!!!

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 12:28 PM


TALLEST PURPLE AND TALLEST RED AS... the outer scouts Uranus and Neptune! KAWAIIIIIIIII!!

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 06:25 PM

GARSH! I NEARLY BIT MY THUMB OFF TRYING NOT TO LAUGH!(dun ask)that is HYSTERICAL! Zailor Sim- er, (dun mind my dislexia:P) Sailor Zim! Dib! In a TUX!!!! EEEEEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEHEHEHEEEEEE*several house later* GAAAASSSP...pantpantpant... GAAAAASSSSSP. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE-

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 10:05 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!! You actually did it! Huzzah! Can GIR be Minimoon?!

Posted: Sunday, 03 March, 2002 @ 10:48 AM

ROTFLMAO!! I spit my water out ._. hehehehehe laughs spastically Hey, hey! Ideas! Gir- Minimoon, Gaz- Queen Beryal or Mars, Tallests- Neptune/Uranius, ...membrain- Professor Tomoe....hehe I got it all in mi head tries to breathe

Posted: Monday, 04 March, 2002 @ 01:48 AM

That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Ever. My god. (still laughing)

Posted: Sunday, 10 March, 2002 @ 12:34 AM

DAS SO FUNNIE^.^ AND KAWAII...anyway the creator of sairmoon is Naoko Takeuchi (don't think i spelled i right)

Posted: Thursday, 04 April, 2002 @ 12:23 AM

woah, Zim has NICE legs, i like very much, HOT TOPIC RULEZ i got Zim stuff there LOOOOOOOOOOOOtts and LOOOOOOOOOTs of stuff

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 02:41 AM

GAAAAAAAAAH!!!! THIS IS SO FUNNY!!! LOL!! Zimmy looks so cute!!!^_^ And yes he has very nice legs...::growl:: GAAAAH!! SO FUNNY!!! ::dies:: XD

Posted: Wednesday, 10 April, 2002 @ 05:14 AM

AWWWWWW how cute. AWWWWWW WITH ME !!!!!!! Zim looks so cute yet down right pissed off. AWWWWWWW (Once agian. Geez I gotta stop saying aww I'm gonna sound like I'm trying out for an audience member on Sally or Maury or somthin'. Tehe somethin'.) Gotta go ~Bye(Runs off like a crazed racoon.Yay!!)

Posted: Wednesday, 10 April, 2002 @ 02:06 PM

XD This was sooo weird! But sooo damn funny! Do some more Sailor Zim and Tuxedo Dib stuff! It's HILARIOUS!!! XD

Sincerely, Kimi the Kenlei

Posted: Friday, 26 April, 2002 @ 07:53 AM

GAHAHAHA!!!!Sooooo very funny! ROFL! Doom prism power? how did you think of that?!

Posted: Friday, 26 April, 2002 @ 07:59 AM

HAHAHA!!!I've got an idea! Mrs.Bitters can be quenn Beryl,Gaz can be sailor saturn,the tallest can be sailor mars and sailor mercury.as for gir he can be minimoon.

Posted: Tuesday, 11 June, 2002 @ 05:58 AM

GaAaAaAaAaA!! Muahhahahahhhaaaa!...can't breathe...laughing too much...aak!...pant Man alive!! That is so darn FUNNY! Haha! Dib with a PINKISH mask!? Lol...figures!;) Heehee...Poor ol' Zim...Hey! at least now Zims tall! u should make Gir Luna or something! lol pantcontinues laughing

Posted: Monday, 24 March, 2003 @ 04:52 AM

Hi IB! Hello Handsome to Dib in this pic! (Hugs Tuxedo Dib & takes him away) Well, see ya. ~Zodiac~

Posted: Thursday, 23 October, 2003 @ 08:15 PM

AIEEEE! Zim don't look too happy. ^-^ You are SUCH a great drawer!!

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