Thea Critza

Twisted by @theacrit (Thea Critza)

Yet another sign of convertation(is that a word?)! O.o not really, lol. I drew this a few months (years?) ago, and recently took it back out to color. I used a combination of Prisma colored pencils and Prisma markers to color it, and the effect was...well, twisted. The couple is also pretty twisted. It's Mirai(future) Trunks, who I prefer to call Mirai-kun, and Marron. I prefer Mirai-kun with Mirai Juuhachigou, but these two could also work out if Mirai-kun went back to the past. I read so many T&P fanfics where M-K ends up with Pan and GT Trunks gets together with Marron, but I personally think that wouldn't happen. Pan couldn't really tease M-K, and she needs someoine to tease--gah, I'm kinda starting a big long editorial here, so I'll stop^_^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Thea Critza

Finished Work
22y51d ago
Other Work By @theacrit

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 12 May, 2002 @ 11:27 AM

Cute idea. I never really get to watch any good animes, so I love to see art from them and hear theories on stuff like this. This is a pretty cute picture, the coloring is great =)

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