Ameigh Haley

My Character introductions; Meet Kari ^__^
My Character introductions; Meet Kari ^__^ by @aymei (Ameigh Haley)

oh man did I ever rush over this one. I only rushed because my coursework was due in and I couldn't seem to prise myself from the laptop. Once I start colouring something I prefer to finish it in one go see. Anyway...Hoshiakari...erm...Call her (english; Starlight if you prefer) I just think it sounds better in the former, less crappy. She's 13. Oh she's in this fiction thingy of mine that I am still considering whether or not to draw as a manga. Oh yeah, another designed costume and just one of the ones she has (pouts no one told me when I made characters I would have to design costumes as well...but hey it was fun!) I kinda threw many things together for the hey of it and was happy with the costume in the end. The hair length is for a reason, that thing round her neck is supposed to be a necklace doesn't seem to show up much I should get round to introducing her mother soon (won't you get a surprise when you see they don't look anything alike...that's for a reason too I'm not ruining the plot now. But first I've got to move on to another character intro...Mitsukai(or Angel(Angela) if you prefer...it's what she's called half the time.)should come soonest. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Ameigh Haley

Finished Work
22y54d ago
Other Work By @aymei

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Sunday, 12 May, 2002 @ 12:24 PM

Cool, I love her outfit!! Such a lot of detail ... that transparent-ish flower thing is awesome! Can't wait to see more of your characters!

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 09:04 AM

Cool! I thought it was narf having ruined a pretty cool thing with terrible colouring...n e ways...thank you! (I can't wait till you meet the rest of them myself. ^_^)

Posted: Friday, 17 May, 2002 @ 03:09 PM

aaahhh wow amy I haven't seen this one yet it si so cool, i love the opaque dress thing and it's in my fav colour too, lilac. Amy u must really stop putting urself down it is not narf as u call it, i think it's bootiful.

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